Cost of hair transplant UK / Ireland vs abroad

Hair transplant cost UK vs abroad - Hair loss cure and treatmentHair loss can be a source of real anxiety and nightmare for many people, especially young males and women. When one looses large chunks of hair, one also looses self-esteem and self-confidence and a defeatist feeling sets in such people. Hair loss when it happens at an early age makes the person with the problem look old and gaunt making him less attractive and appealing.

Causes of hair loss among men and women

  • MALE PATTERN BALDNESS: It usually results from genetic factors and is brought about by hormone activity. Men start to lose hair from the crown of the head first
  • ALOPECIA: Often related to stress, it results in slow and gradual widespread loss of hair across the scalp which may spread to the eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the body. Although some amount of hair can grow back in some cases, many people’s hair never grows back following an attack of alopecia.
  • STRESS: It causes fall of hair in a gradual manner affecting isolated clumps of hair.
  • SKIN CONDITIONS AND ALLERGIES: Allergies to certain substances cause the skin on the scalp to burn and turn irritated resulting in slow and steady fallout of hair.
  • PREGNANCY & BIRTH: Pregnancy is known to cause women’s hair to get thicker and after child birth, the hair may return to normal which will cause large amounts of the hair to fall out.

Hair transplant UK consultation – Surgery abroad (Hungary)

Hair transplant surgery has emerged as a popular remedy to set right hair loss problems. Widely considered to be the most effective choice for restoring hair due to its unique technique, Hair Transplantation is a surgical technique that facilitates redistribution of hair as to create a fuller looking head of hair. The technique involves removal of excess thick patches of DHT-resistant hair follicles from areas, usually the back or sides of the head (known as Donor Site), and transplanting them in thinning and balding areas on the top and front of the head (known as Recipient Site), that are shorn of hair and healthy hair follicles. Hair from the donor area is genetically programmed to grow for the rest of one’s life.

Hair Transplantation looks completely natural as it will be your very own hair that is moved to the thinning and balding areas on your scalp. Hair transplant surgery is usually recommended for people who are experiencing or have experienced significant chunks of hair loss but still have patches of thick hair. Both Women and Men can both benefit from hair transplant surgery.

Thinning hair? Receding hairline? Mature hairline?

If you’re balding and considering a toupée, please—don’t! Instead, visit a hair loss specialists, and our premiere website for those interested in permanent hair loss treatments and hair re-growth. Explore the causes and options and then search our  database to find a top-rated surgical solution that can give you a lush, natural looking head of hair.

Here to help you find everything you need to make informed decisions on your hair replacement needs. I hope that you take your time and do your research. Having hair transplant surgery is a big decision, one that should be backed with extensive research. I even got tips on how you can find the most affordable hair transplant procedures.

If you’re searching the Internet for websites on cheap hair transplant, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from hair loss. This condition can cause great discomfort to anyone who experiences it. The good news is that it can be reversed – that is, you can still save your scalp from total balding.

Today, you can find a number of products designed specifically to fight hair loss. These include creams, gels and supplements. However, these products don’t really offer long-term results; they require constant usage in order to work. Good thing there’s cheap hair transplant, your best bet to having “new” hair.

High quality low cost hair transplant in Budapest, Hungary

Hair transplant cost Ireland / UK vs abroad: Budapest, HungaryOne of the new hotspots of hair transplantation is Budapest, Hungary! This country offers low cost hair loss surgery and it is taking 40% of all dental tourists in Europe. It is not by chance that it is aspiring to become the hair transplant capital of Europe.

HairPalace is by far the most popular hair clinic in Hungary and it lives up to expectations of the highest requirements. It is a modern, top-notch clinic in the heart of Budapest offering the latest FUE hair transplant method for harvesting and implanting hair to bald areas.

Getting to the roots of the hair transplant procedure

Keeping hair healthy is a tough task to undertake. Applying proper products, washing the hair and proper combing is required to main the elasticity and volume of the hair. However, for some individual’s, it so happens that they suffer from serious hair problems. This may include baldness, frequent excessive hair fall, loss of hair, excessive dandruff problems, etc.  Most hair problems can be hormonal as well. If any of these problems are severe, chances are that individuals have to consult a doctor. However, the best remedy that doctors suggest and which works for a lifetime is hair transplant. Hair transplant basically brings back the lost in nutrients to the hair and destroys and burns down the problem from the roots. Therefore, a new set of hair regenerates which is much healthier in texture.

However, hair transplant treatments are a costly affair. Most individuals prefer to go to Hungary for the transplant just because of the best care that they take during the treatment. But, visiting Turkey for a transplant is also not a bad choice as well. The basic difference is that Hungary has its own Hair palace that is renowned in the Uk and Ireland for the treatments offered; surgeons there are highly specialized and the type of treatment depends upon the hair problem and its texture. For Turkey, the hair transplant treatment is done by assistants and not by the surgeons themselves. Therefore, it may not be that effective in the long run. But whatever the problem might be, hair transplant cost is a huge burden for some but there are several points to be reflected upon as well.

The minimum cost of hair transplant treatment

Several criteria’s that determine the cost of hair transplants

The cost of any hair treatment is costly. Be it hair transplant or new hair regeneration, it can range from anywhere between 10,000 dollars to 15,000 dollars. However, individuals can also apply for hair transplant loans that can be made easily available through banks. However, there are several other essential factors that stand behind hair transplant costs and they are as follows:

The place of the hair transplant treatment

Whether patients choose to visit Turkey or Hungary, the choice is theirs. But beware of the cost. Although Hungary has specified Hair Palaces, Turkey might be too tight on the pockets. Surgeons charge too much in some cases and so it is advised to think twice before choosing a place to do the surgery.

The procedures are chosen FUT or FUE

Hair transplants are done in different procedures. The type of procedure that the patient chooses to do, also determine the cost of the whole treatment. FUE is more precise and more expensive but leaves no scars and it is a painless procedure.

The cost of the hair surgeon

It is difficult to consult good surgeons because they charge a lot when it comes to hair transplants. If any surgeon is too famous, chances are that the cost would be high. Therefore, patients should be prepared to pay some extra more in order to get the surgery done by the best surgeon. it is not necessary to pay for the name of the hair surgeon.

The quantity of implanted hair grafts / follicles

It may so happen that only a part of the hair needs to be transplanted. For the whole hair, the cost is high but for a portion of the hair, the cost is further reduced. Greater discounts are given for larger work, though.

The total cost of travel abroad

Traveling to Turkey or Hungary does not cost a lot. Air expenses to and fro might cost around 500 dollars, which is pretty cheap. Keeping all things in mind and the circumstance, hair transplant surgery should be done.

Areas where hair transplant costs are concentrated

There must a good reason as to why surgeons charge so much for hair transplants. Apart from the treatment alone, here are the other areas where a lot of money is required:

  • Relief from pain by giving medications during the entire period of recovery.
  • For any side effects after the surgery like swelling, rashes etc, anti-inflammatory pills are given which costs too much
  • For further infection, several antibiotics are injected into the patient.

These antibiotics and pills cost more than the surgery itself. These are mandatory and are basically given to reduce any side effects in the future.

More about Hair Palace Clinic in Budapest, Hungary

Hair palace clinics offer a total pain-free hair transplant solution, with no scars and side effects. They make sure that the hair growth doesn’t stop and continue to grow without any hindrance. Mostly all advanced methods are used in the whole procedure with specialized tools and techniques. That is why; people do spend a lot of money to reach there to get the best of hair transplant treatments. Additionally, the rates for hair transplant are quite easy on the pockets and affordable because of the advanced systems used during the entire treatment.